Pickleball for Children and Teenagers: A Fun and Active Sport

  • By: Greg Sloan
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Introduction: Pickleball for Children and Teenagers

Pickleball is an excellent sport for older children and teenagers as it’s easy to learn, fun to play, and can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels. Even though we may mention older children, there are some who are very young and can also learn and do well at pickleball.

This will depend upon the development of the size and coordination of each individual child. It’s possible that a very young child can play. Children as young as 6 or 7 can begin to play as long as they have equipment that is size appropriate for them and not too big and heavy.

For instance, the Helium Child size Pickleball Paddle might be just the trick.

Our friends Lily, Max, and Sophia discovered that pickleball is a fantastic way to get active, socialize, and have fun and we will talk about that in a moment.

Equipment Needed in Pickleball for Children and Teenagers

To play pickleball, three very essential pieces of equipment are needed, including a paddle, a ball, and a net. The paddle is similar to a ping-pong paddle but is more substantial, and the ball is similar to a wiffle ball but with smaller holes.

pickleball for children and teenagers

Above you will see the JP WinLook Pickleball Paddle Set of 2 – Pickleball Paddles for Women & Men.

The net is comparable to a tennis net but is lower to the ground. If you’re just starting and aren’t sure if you’ll like the game, borrowing equipment might be the best option. If you decide to invest in your equipment, you can find beginner paddles and balls at most sporting goods stores, and a variety of pickleball equipment is available on Amazon.

Getting Started with Pickleball for Children and Teenagers

After getting the necessary equipment, it’s time to find a place to play. Many local parks and recreation centers have pickleball courts that are free to use. You can also look for indoor facilities, schools, or YMCA locations that have pickleball courts.

Rules of the Game: Pickleball for Children and Teenagers

It’s essential to get familiar with the rules of the game. It is similar to tennis, with a few key differences. Players serve underhand, which doesn’t require the power that many tennis players use on their serve. The ball must bounce once on each side of the net before players can volley the ball, and players can only score points when serving. Communication with your partner is also crucial in working as a team.

Pickleball For Children and Teenagers

Benefits of Playing Pickleball For Children and Teenagers

Playing pickleball is an excellent way for children and teenagers to be more active, get exercise, and have fun! Pickleball is a low-impact sport, ideal for older children and teenagers. It can also help develop the hand-eye coordination required for youth sports while playing regularly can improve endurance, strength, and overall fitness.

Social Benefits of Pickleball for Children and Teenagers

Pickleball is a social sport, so it’s a great way to meet new people and make some lasting friendships. Players work together with their partners to develop a winning strategy, and while winning is not the most important thing, it sure is fun when you do!

It’s essential to remember that having fun while playing the game is the most important thing, even if you’re not the best player.

Lily, Max, and Sophia’s Story

Lily, Max, and Sophia had been friends since they were in preschool. They had played many types of games together through the years but were always looking for something new to try. One afternoon, they stumbled upon a group of people playing pickleball at a local park.

They thought that the game of pickleball might be fun with the combination of strategies from tennis, ping pong, and badminton. At first, Lily, Max, and Sophia were a bit intimidated as they noticed the older players on the court next to them.

However, with a little encouragement from some friends, they decided to give it a try. They quickly found that pickleball was easier than it looked, and they were having a blast in no time. They continued to play regularly at the pickleball court, developing their skills and making new friends. They appreciated the game’s strategic elements and the satisfaction that comes from hitting a great shot.

Lily, Max, and Sophia’s story is a great example of how pickleball can be a fun and exciting sport for children and teenagers. They stumbled upon the game by chance but quickly fell in love with it. They enjoyed the game’s unique combination of elements from tennis, ping pong, and badminton. As they played, they developed new skills, made new friends, and stayed active and healthy.

They discovered that pickleball was a great way to socialize and have fun while also improving their hand-eye coordination, endurance, and overall fitness. Today, Lily, Max, and Sophia are pickleball enthusiasts who encourage other kids their age to try the sport. They know that playing pickleball is an excellent way to stay active, healthy, and have fun. And who knows, you may just find your new passion and make some great memories along the way.


As you can see, pickleball is a fantastic sport for children and teenagers. It’s easy to learn, affordable, and offers numerous health benefits, including improved coordination, endurance, and overall fitness. Additionally, pickleball is a social sport that can help kids and teenagers make new friends, work as a team, and develop valuable skills that they can use in other areas of their lives.

Parents can play a vital role in encouraging their children to get involved in pickleball. By providing access to the necessary equipment, finding local courts, and supporting their child’s interest in the sport, parents can help their kids experience the joy of playing pickleball.

Moreover, playing pickleball together as a family can be an excellent way to spend quality time and create lasting memories. Pickleball is an activity that people of all ages and skill levels can enjoy, making it an ideal sport for family gatherings, picnics, and other events.

In summary, pickleball is a unique and exciting sport that offers numerous benefits to children and teenagers. So why not give it a try? Get your paddles, balls, and nets ready and head to your local pickleball court. Who knows, you might discover a new passion for the game and make some great memories along the way!

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