What Pickleball Gear Does a Beginner Need?

  • By: Greg Sloan
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Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, like any sport, having the right gear can make a big difference in your performance and overall enjoyment of the game. For beginners, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what gear is essential and what is not. What Pickleball Gear Does a Beginner Need?

The first piece of gear that beginners will need is a paddle. Pickleball paddles come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, so it’s important to choose one that feels comfortable and suits your playing style. Many beginners opt for a lightweight paddle with a larger sweet spot, as this can make it easier to hit the ball and improve accuracy.

In addition to a paddle, beginners will also need to invest in a good pair of court shoes. Pickleball is a fast-paced game that involves a lot of lateral movement, so having shoes with good traction and support is essential. Look for shoes that are specifically designed for court sports, as these will provide the necessary grip and stability to help prevent injuries and improve performance on the court.

What Pickleball Gear Does a Beginner Need? 

When it comes to playing pickleball, having the right gear is essential for both enjoyment and success on the court. For beginners, it can be overwhelming to know what gear to invest in. Here are the basics that every beginner should consider when starting to play pickleball.

Pickleball Paddles

The paddle is the most important piece of equipment in pickleball. Beginner players should look for a paddle that is lightweight, easy to handle, and has a larger sweet spot. It is recommended to start with a paddle made of composite materials, as they offer a good balance of power and control.

Pickleball Balls

Pickleball balls come in a range of colors and materials. For beginners, it is recommended to start with indoor balls, as they are easier to control and have a slower speed. It is also important to note that pickleball balls can vary in bounce and durability, so it’s worth investing in a quality ball that will last.

Pickleball Shoes

Having the right shoes is important to prevent injuries and provide support on the court. Pickleball shoes should have good traction, be lightweight, and offer good support for lateral movements. Look for shoes specifically designed for indoor court sports, as they will provide the best grip on the court.

Pickleball Net

We are going to assume that you have access to a regulation pickleball court. However, if you are setting one up yourself, as some people do, obviously you would need a net. If needed, it would be important to invest in a quality net that is regulation size and height. Beginner players should look for a net that is easy to set up and take down, and that comes with a carrying case for easy transpor

Pickleball Paddles 

When it comes to pickleball, the paddle is the most important piece of gear for beginners. There are many different paddle options available, so it’s important to choose one that suits your playing style and skill level.


Pickleball paddles are made from a variety of materials, including wood, composite, graphite, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. Each material has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.


Wooden paddles are the most affordable option and are great for beginners who are just starting out. They are also very durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear.

what pickleball gear does a beginner need?
Amazing Aces Wood Paddles


what pickleball gear does a beginner need?
Wakefa Paddles

Composite paddles are made from a mixture of materials, such as fiberglass and polymer. They are lightweight and provide a good balance of power and control.


Uteeqe Pickleball set

Graphite paddles are known for their power and are a popular choice among advanced players. They are lightweight and provide a lot of control. 


Fiberglass paddles

Fiberglass paddles are durable and provide a good amount of power. They are also lightweight and easy to maneuver.

Carbon Fiber

Ninsguir Carbon Fiber Surface

Carbon fiber paddles are the most expensive option, but they provide the most power and control. They are also very lightweight and easy to handle.


Pickleball paddles come in a variety of weights, ranging from 6 to 14 ounces. The weight of the paddle can affect your playing style, so it’s important to choose a weight that feels comfortable for you.

  • Lightweight: Lightweight paddles are easy to maneuver and provide a lot of control. They are a good option for players who like to play at the net. These paddles are usually in the 6 to 7 oz. range.
  • Midweight: Midweight paddles provide a good balance of power and control. They are a good option for players who like to play all over the court. They weigh around the 7.3 to 8.5 oz. range.
  • Heavyweight: Heavyweight paddles provide a lot of power and are a good option for players who like to play from the back of the court. Heavyweight paddles will be above 8.5 oz.

Grip Size

The grip size of the paddle is also important. A grip that is too small or too large can affect your playing style and cause discomfort.

  • Small Grip: Small grips are good for players with small hands or those who prefer to hold the paddle with their fingertips. A small grip can range from 4″ to 4.125″.
  • Medium Grip: Medium grips are the most common and are a good option for most players. A medium grip is about 4.25″.
  • Large Grip: Large grips are about 4.5″ or more and are good for players with larger hands or those who prefer to hold the paddle with their palm.

Power and Control

The power and control of the paddle are also important factors to consider. A paddle with more power will allow you to hit the ball harder, while a paddle with more control will allow you to place the ball more accurately.

  • Power: Paddles with more power are usually heavier and have a larger sweet spot. They are a good option for players who like to hit the ball hard.
  • Control: Paddles with more control are usually lighter and have a smaller sweet spot. They are a good option for players who like to place the ball accurately.

Overall, beginners should choose a paddle that feels comfortable and suits their playing style. It’s also important to consider the material, weight, grip size, power, and control of the paddle when making a decision.

Pickleball Balls

When it comes to playing pickleball, the ball is an essential piece of gear. There are a few things beginners should know about pickleball balls before making a purchase.

Indoor vs Outdoor Balls

One of the first things to consider when buying pickleball balls is whether you’ll be playing indoors or outdoors. Indoor balls are typically made of a softer material and have smaller holes. Outdoor balls, on the other hand, are made of a harder material and have larger holes. This is because outdoor play requires a ball that can withstand wind and other outdoor elements.

Plastic vs Composite Balls

Pickleball balls can be made of either plastic or composite materials. Plastic balls are the most common and are generally less expensive. Composite balls are made of a mixture of materials and are typically more durable. They also tend to have a more consistent bounce.

Pickleball shoes are an essential piece of gear for any beginner player. They provide the necessary support, traction, and stability needed to move quickly and make quick stops on the court. When choosing the right pair of shoes, there are a few key factors to consider.

Choosing the Right Shoes

When selecting pickleball shoes, it’s important to look for shoes that are specifically designed for pickleball. While tennis shoes can work in a pinch, they lack the necessary support and traction needed for the quick movements required in pickleball.

Tennis Shoes vs Pickleball Shoes

Tennis shoes and pickleball shoes may look similar, but they are designed for different purposes. Tennis shoes are designed for lateral movement and have a flatter sole, while pickleball shoes are designed for quick forward and backward movements and have a more curved sole. Pickleball shoes also have better support and cushioning than tennis shoes.

Traction and Support

Traction is crucial in pickleball shoes, as it allows players to move quickly and make quick stops on the court. Look for shoes with a rubber sole and a herringbone pattern, which provides excellent grip on the court. Additionally, support is important to prevent injuries and provide stability during play. Look for shoes with good arch support and ankle support.

Comfort and Stability

Comfort is key when it comes to pickleball shoes. Look for shoes with a cushioned sole and breathable material to keep your feet comfortable during long games. Stability is also important, especially for players with weak ankles. Look for shoes with a sturdy design and good ankle support.

Some popular brands for pickleball shoes include Asics, Fila, and K-Swiss. When shopping for pickleball shoes, it’s important to try on multiple pairs to find the right fit and style for your playing needs.

Pickleball Net

Should you need to set up your own pickleball net, here are some things to consider.

Net Size and Height

The size and height of the pickleball net are essential factors to consider when purchasing a net for beginners. The official size of a pickleball net is 22 feet in length and 36 inches in height at the sidelines and 34 inches in the center of the court. It is crucial to ensure that the net is of the right size and height to avoid any discrepancies in the game.

Net Material and Quality

The material and quality of the pickleball net are also crucial factors to consider. The net should be made of durable materials that can withstand wear and tear. The most common materials used for pickleball nets are nylon and polyester. Nylon is a sturdy material that can withstand harsh weather conditions, while polyester is lightweight and easy to handle.

It is essential to choose a net that is of high quality to ensure that it lasts for a long time. A high-quality net will also provide better playability and reduce the risk of injury.

Portable Pickleball Net

Net Setup and Installation

Setting up the pickleball net is a simple process that can be done by beginners. The net should be set up in the center of the court, with the center strap at 34 inches in height. The net should be taut and not sagging to ensure that it does not interfere with the game.

When installing the net, it is crucial to ensure that the poles are sturdy and secure. The poles should be placed at a distance of 22 feet apart and anchored firmly to the ground. The net should be attached to the poles using a tensioning system to ensure that it remains taut throughout the game.

In conclusion, beginners should choose a pickleball net that is of the right size, made of high-quality materials, and easy to set up and install. A good pickleball net will provide better playability and reduce the risk of injury.

Common Mistakes for Beginners to Avoid

When it comes to playing pickleball, beginners often make mistakes that can hinder their progress and enjoyment of the game. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Moving and Positioning

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is not moving enough on the court. They tend to stay in one spot and wait for the ball to come to them. This can make it difficult to return shots and can cause them to miss opportunities to score points.

Another mistake is not positioning themselves properly on the court. Beginners often stand too close to the net, making it difficult to return shots that are hit deep. They also tend to stand too far back, which can make it difficult to reach shots that are hit short.

Faults and Footwork

Beginners often make faults by hitting the ball out of bounds or into the net. This can be frustrating and can cost them points. They also tend to have poor footwork, which can cause them to be off-balance and make it difficult to return shots.

Spin and Pop

Spin and pop are important techniques in pickleball, but beginners often struggle with them. They may not know how to put spin on the ball, which can make it difficult to control the ball and make it land where they want it to. They may also struggle with the pop shot, which is a powerful shot that can be used to score points.

Overall, beginners should focus on moving more on the court, positioning themselves properly, avoiding faults, improving their footwork, and learning how to put spin on the ball and use the pop shot. By avoiding these common mistakes, beginners can improve their game and enjoy playing pickleball even more.

Mistakes to AvoidHow to Avoid Them
Not moving enough on the courtPractice moving side to side and forward and backward
Poor footworkWork on balance and agility exercises
Hitting the ball out of bounds or into the netFocus on hitting the ball in the court
Standing too close or too far from the netPosition yourself in the middle of the court
Not using spin or pop shotsPractice these techniques with a coach or experienced player

Advanced Pickleball Gear and Techniques

Pickleball Gear for Tournaments

As players advance in skill level, they may consider investing in higher quality gear to enhance their performance in tournaments. Some recommended gear for tournament play includes:

  • Selkirk AMPED paddles: These paddles are designed for advanced players and offer a larger sweet spot for more control and power.
  • Athletic shoes with good traction: Proper footwear is essential to prevent slips and falls on the court.
  • Lightweight and breathable clothing: Players should wear comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement and breathability.

Advanced Serving Techniques

In competitive play, serving can make all the difference in a match. Advanced players may want to consider incorporating the following serving techniques into their game:

  • Power serve: This serve involves hitting the ball with maximum force to make it difficult for the opponent to return.
  • Spin serve: By adding spin to the ball, players can create unpredictable bounces that can catch their opponent off guard.
  • Drop serve: A drop serve involves hitting the ball softly and close to the net, making it difficult for the opponent to return.

Spin and Control

As players become more advanced, they may want to focus on developing their spin and control techniques. Some ways to improve spin and control include:

  • Using a paddle with a rougher surface for more spin potential.
  • Practicing hitting the ball at different angles and heights to develop greater control.
  • Incorporating a variety of shots, such as lobs and dinks, to keep opponents guessing.

Injury Prevention

Injuries can be a risk in any sport, and pickleball is no exception. Advanced players should take steps to prevent injuries, such as:

  • Warming up before play to prevent muscle strains and sprains.
  • Using proper technique when hitting the ball to prevent wrist and elbow injuries.
  • Wearing protective gear, such as knee pads, to prevent knee injuries.

By investing in high-quality gear and practicing advanced techniques, players can take their pickleball game to the next level.


Beginners who are interested in playing pickleball should invest in some essential gear to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience on the court. The most important pieces of equipment include a paddle, balls, and comfortable shoes.

When choosing a paddle, beginners should consider their skill level, playing style, and budget. There are a variety of paddles available on the market, ranging from basic to advanced models. Beginners may want to opt for a mid-range paddle that offers a balance of power and control.

In addition to a paddle, beginners should also invest in a set of pickleballs. These balls are specifically designed for pickleball and come in a variety of colors and materials. Opt for a set of balls that are approved by the USAPA to ensure they meet official regulations.

Finally, comfortable shoes are essential for any pickleball player. Look for shoes that offer good support, cushioning, and traction. This will help prevent injuries and ensure that players can move around the court with ease.

Overall, beginners can learn, play, and win at pickleball with the right gear. Investing in quality equipment will not only improve their performance but also increase their enjoyment of the sport. With just a few hours of practice, beginners can soon become proficient players on the court.

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